Saturday, August 20, 2011

love the environment


Mungkin sebenernya ini nggak terlalu keliatan kayak poster, tapi nggak papa lah ya. Poster ini aku buat untuk kelasku tercinta, waktu ada pengumuman kalo tiap kelas wajib bikin poster tentang lingkungan. Sampe sekarang masih dipajang lho :p


colorfully gratitude
Well, this is the first drawing I post in here. Maybe it doesn't tell about any gratitude at all, but I drew it to say thank you. Thank you for the time, thank you for the words, thank you for making me excited, thank you for giving me so much lesson that I'd never forget. Thank you.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

a dream

I write this in the name of my God, Allah SWT

Tadi aku pergi ke toko buku, dan nggak sengaja aku menemukan sesuatu yang menarik, buku berisi kumpulan lukisan pelukis terkenal. Ada dua buku di sana, aku lupa judulnya. Pathetic --"
Yeah, guess what? Those books inspired me. Sambil memegang dan membolak-balik kedua buku itu aku bermimpi, bahwa aku juga akan memiliki buku seperti itu, berisi kumpulan gambarku. Ya, meskipun gambar-gambarku mungkin tidak sejenis dengan lukisan mahal mereka, but who cares? I'll have my own style.
Aku percaya Allah mendengarkanku, mencatat mimpi kecilku ini, dan menjadikannya bila itu memang baik bagiku.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The First

Yeah.. Finally I made it. I love to have this. Though I named it "wordless story", I don't think there will be no words at all. Just like this post. I just think that I'm not really good at manipulating words.
It's not really important anyway, actually I made this to express my feeling. I don't know how, let's just see..
Good luck me ;)